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The Adit3 of RBHP Connected, SHIC Work Hard
来源: | 作者:河川投资 | 发布时间: 1129天前 | 1285 次浏览 | 分享到:

On September 29, 2021, the Audit3 of RBHP was successfully completed with a loud boom,which introduced the commencement of the main structure of the water diversion system. It is a congratulatory gift delivered by SHIC people for the motherland as she is ushering in her 72nd birthday on October 1. 

As the impact of the epidemic sustained in 2021, construction of the RBHP was delayed. However, SHIC managed miscellaneous difficulties lying ahead to secure overseas projects construction . In the process of excavation of the Adit3, the SHIC people solved difficulties caused by the poor surrounding rock, which obstructed the construction of platform structure, bad construction conditions as well as the epidemic impact . It displayed that SHIC people dare to take responsibility.Till now, the main structure of RBHP are organized, and the follow-up construction are becoming more critical. SHIC will make persistent efforts, continue to work hard in coming days. With the strong support of Shuifa group and the joint efforts of all participating units, SHIC will definitely complete the rest work on time and kick off the commercial generation at early date.